

The 职业发展中心 at Alfred University boasts a strong Internship program, 对学生和合作雇主都有好处. An Internship is a supervised field experience that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting.


根据全国大学和雇主协会(NACE), internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent. What's more exciting is that this experience can be either domestic or international.

实习可能包括也可能不包括学分, 他们可能得到报酬,也可能得不到报酬, 它们可以发生在学期或夏季, 持续时间差别很大. An internship could be as few as five hours/week or full-time, especially during the summer months.

资格 & 时间表

所有学生都有资格实习, although academic credit depends on the requirements set forth by the employing organization and the student's academic department. Compensation is not required, though it is recommended, and varies by position and industry. (访问 美国劳工部实习情况说明书 了解更多)

实习 vary by position and degree, typically between 60 and 240 hours total. If for credit, the duration of the internship is based on the number of credits sought. 学生通常在夏季完成实习, 虽然学年实习也是一种选择. 请访问CDC了解更多关于您的项目要求.

“这与我在过去四年中学到的东西有关, making them applicable and incorporating them for my professional and self-development.” - 我'Rei霍桑

“This internship has helped me to realize exactly what I want to do and where I want to go with my photography.” - 摩根电影

“The more I learn and can absorb from observing and working alongside others in the field, the more confidence I have in realizing all the facets of the business and the value of what it offers and brings to others.” - 克钦独立军巴罗

“I learned about how to work with others and how to help customers without them feeling like you are helping.” - 凯蒂里斯

“This experience will benefit my future academic or professional opportunities by getting to educate myself and further my skills first hand in the field.” - 凯拉伍尔夫

“实习结束后, 我可以汲取以前没有积累起来的品质和知识.” - 假虎刺属Dopman

“这次实地工作经历帮助我坚定了自己的职业选择, 而且我知道我想进入执法部门.” - 三岔麦克莱恩

“These past three months have been a whirlwind of excitement and I have learned so much about campaigning and am anxious for opportunities to apply my new skills.” - 按理Eisenhardt

“I will continue to use the skills I’ve learned at the SI training session in the following years, 因为它们使我受益匪浅.” - 斯蒂芬妮·罗德里格斯

“Mijoi拥有强烈的学习欲望和沟通能力, 毫无疑问,她将来会有很多机会.” - 迪伦·伯奇中士

“她对博物馆产生了积极而富有成效的影响.” - 凯特琳布朗 (运营和项目经理)

“Kate succeeded by being dependable, engaged, and inquisitive in her daily actions. 她渴望寻求新的经历, 并且能够反映她对所学内容的想法. She was independent in her participation with other school staff when visiting various school programs.” - 凯文Deery

“他总是愿意倾听,渴望学习更多. 库蒂斯一直是我做事的得力助手.” - 布莱恩Batrowny

“Sancha在这个领域有很多机会. 如果她继续努力学习,就不会有问题.” - 迪伦·伯奇中士

“Erika一直是我们学校的一名优秀员工. I appreciate how much she has given to this site and is the kind of staff we strive for.” - 布兰登Gniewecki

“布兰迪是我们公司的宝贵财富. Brandi is very reliable and open to do whatever it takes to provide our clients with high quality care. Brandi’s enthusiasm to learn more about child development makes her stand out from all other employees.” - 塔拉L. 追逐  

“亚历山德拉是一位优秀的实习生. 她准备充分,完美地适应了环境. 在这样的环境下工作并不总是那么容易. She displayed an ability to work with offenders in an extremely professional and appropriate manner.” - 格兰特伍德沃德

“可靠性, 注重细节, 和意愿是Carissa最突出的优点.” - 格拉迪斯西

“Ms. 伍尔夫很专业,和他一起工作很愉快. 如果她愿意,我非常欢迎她回来和我一起工作.” - 亚伦W. Heminway

“Tara’s open communication, creativity, and flexibility were great strengths during this internship.” - 加里卡



  • 野牛野牛
  • 西蒙·皮尔斯·格拉斯
  • 伍德斯托克电影节
  • 戴维森广告 & 设计
  • L.L. 豆


  • 大西洋唱片公司/华纳音乐集团
  • 企业租车
  • 康宁公司.
  • 纽约市教育委员会
  • 培基证券


  • 艾尔弗雷德警察局.
  • 门罗县法医办公室
  • 华盛顿县青年局
  • 纽约人权司
  • 部门. 美国法警署署长


  • NYS部门. 环境保育
  • St. 詹姆斯医院
  • Bejo种子
  • 高地公园康复护理中心
  • 威尔斯维尔心脏病学


  • CNN波士顿
  • I Heart Media
  • 环球音乐公司
  • 清晰频道无线电
  • 卡尔营销传播


  • 北美体育集团
  • 纽约炸弹队篮球经典公司.
  • 宾厄姆顿参议员
  • 萨伦体育场罗切斯特犀牛队
  • 托莱多泥鸡


  • 美国罗切斯特扫盲志愿者协会.
  • 奥林匹亚体育
  • 普拉特 & 惠特尼
  • 《k8彩乐园app官网下载》/《迪士尼3彩乐园》


  • 这个公司.
  • St. 保罗的旅行者


  • 儿童Ramapo(心理学)
  • 怀俄明州利文斯顿分校(社会学)
  • 美国癌症学会(社会学)
  • 途径,公司. (心理学)
  • 犹太人的老年生活(心理学)


  • 社区行动
  • 教育部门.
  • 全球十字路口/格兰贝尔中学
  • 儿童和青少年学习倡议


  • 青少年学习计划
  • k8彩乐园app官网下载档案/赫里克图书馆
  • 亨德肖特新千年哈弗林格
  • PTC承包
  • 旧星桥村

The first step in process is to meet with a counselor in the 职业发展中心 to help begin and refine your search. 现在就安排一个约会 握手.

告诉我们你的想法! 我们希望得到您的反馈,所以请采取我们的 应用学习调查.