五月 Press Releases


woman placing glass sample in furnace

Alfred University to host conference on glass

man with suit and tie, sitting

AUNY 2024 commencement ceremonies set for June 12

woman and man standing next to a sign, man holding award certificate

Alfred University student takes second prize at ‘Chinese Bridge’ speech competition


Mentorship celebrated on eve of 2024 Commencement

group of people holding certificates

Seventeen inducted into Alfred University’s Alpha Gamma chapter of Phi Beta Kappa

image of gazi

Most艺术 internship awarded to second-year student Vanessa Gazi

students at The Jet

Root beer floats for graduating art students endure as a tradition at The Collegiate

Metcalf at Chulalongkorn University

IEA Director Miranda Metcalf guest-lectures at Chulalongkorn University

image of Joe Petrillo

Math Professor Joseph Petrillo wins prestigious teaching award